How does the performance tuning work?
Put simply, the output increase is achieved by adjusting the quantity of fuel injected and the ignition time. Our performance tuning box picks up the control unit's data, optimizes it and then sends the modified values to the diesel pump. The adustments are controlled via microprocessors in the interior of the box.
The box increases output. Does it also increase fuel consumption?
Fuel consumption is reduced in the vast majority of cases provided that the original driving style is maintained. To attain a further reduction in fuel consumption, we recommend you fit a sport air filter. Doing this, you also give your vehicle "a bit more air". The exhaust gas levels of the optimized vehicle do not change.
Will my vehicle then give off a lot more fumes?
No. Only in the case of poorly fine-tuned electronics can increased particulate emissions arise. This cannot happen with our electronics.
Will the maximum speed change?
The performance tuning offered by us is designed for a torque and maximum output boost in the lower and middle speed ranges. Nevertheless, maximum speed is increased in practically all vehicles, since the torque is also increased here. The increase amounts to approx. 5-15 km/h depending on the vehicle.
Why should the supplementary electronics also be set and tuned?
If you accept the basic setting of the electronics, you are throwing away potential horsepower. Every vehicle is unique, affected by deviations in series production. For this reason, standard preset electronics can never attain the maximum potential increase in output.
How long does the warranty for the alteration last?
The components we use are quality components from the computer industry. We pay especially close attention to the quality of our electronics and of the original compatible connections. In the electronics field, only brand names made by IBM, Fujitsu-Siemens and Hitachi are used. They have the same specifications as those of the car manufacturers. For this reason, a 24-month warranty is given on components fitted and on the software.
Can the change be noticed externally?
No. But the output can naturally be measured, e.g. on the test stand. It can't, however, be read from the electronics, nor via a diagnostic instrument.
Might the car heat up more than before?
The oil temperature rises (only at full load) very slightly. For example, in the case of an Audi TDI at constant full load, the increase is 8 degrees.
Will the car have a shorter service life after the alteration?
The performance tuning is tuned in such a way so that none of the limit values of the vehicle or the engine and all related components are exceeded. Although the performance increase can be very clearly felt by the driver, our boxes work constantly in the power reserves of the engine parts and add-on parts. Extra servicing jobs on the engine are not necessary. Only if you are driving in a constantly 'sporty' style will you need to change the oil every 10,000 km.
Why doesn't the manufacturer just set the vehicle to the optimal value?
The manufacturer builds a car for the global market. In other countries, the fuel often doesn't correspond to our quality norm. Furthermore, continuous running at extreme heights can impair combustion. These, of course, are characteristics that do not have to be taken into account in Europe. The manufacturing tolerance can also be a factor. When the vehicle is on the test stand after production, the output might have to be boosted somewhat. That's why tolerances are necessary.
Because of the higher output, must the brake be changed too?
The TÜV (German equivalent of the MOT) gives the brake 20% increased output, calculated taking the largest engine in which the brake system is used.
Are there any particularities for an automatic vehicle?
No. Automatic vehicles have a different control unit, but otherwise there is no difference as regards increase in output. The automatic vehicle is automatically adjusted.
TÜV - legal notice:
For the purpose of completeness, we would like to point out that after technical alterations the Vehicle Type Approval expires, or else a new inspection in accordance with § 19/2 StVZO (German Licensing Regulations) becomes necessary. |